Infection Control and Prevention
EquipmentEvery footcare session starts with a sterile set of equipment for each client.
Christie's Footcare follows Infection Prevention and Control Canada's recommendations for processing foot care equipment. PPEFull personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn for each visit. PPE consists of gowns, gloves, masks and eye protection to create a barrier and prevent exposure.
SterilizationSterilization is achieved with an autoclave which uses high temperature, steam and pressure for a set amount of time to destroy all forms of microbial life including bacteria, viruses, spores, and fungi.
After your visit...
After the session, tools are collected in a transport bin for reprocessing. Mechanical cleaning, pouching and sterilizing takes place in a clean room. My autoclave is routinely maintained and all tool sterilization is logged for quality control and Public Health Ontario review.